PV Sindhu, India’s badminton star, will marry Venkata Datta Sai in a small ceremony in Udaipur. The wedding festivities will start on December 20, with a big reception in Hyderabad on December 24. The timing is planned so that Sindhu can return to her badminton competitions in January, which will be important for her career.
Venkata Datta Sai is from Hyderabad and works as the executive director at Posidex Technologies. He is a professional and entrepreneur with experience in finance, data science, and asset management.
He studied liberal studies and business. He earned a Diploma in Liberal Arts and Sciences from the Foundation of Liberal and Management Education and later received a BBA in Accounting and Finance from Flame University, graduating in 2018. He also holds a Master’s degree in Data Science and Machine Learning from the International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore.
Venkata Datta began his career at JSW, working as a summer intern and as a consultant. He managed the Delhi Capitals, an IPL team, during his time there. He once said on LinkedIn, “My BBA in finance and economics pales in comparison to managing an IPL team, but I must admit I learnt a lot from both of these experiences.”
In 2019, he took on two leadership roles: Managing Director of Sour Apple Asset Management and Executive Director at Posidex Technologies. He focuses on improving banking processes at Posidex.
He uses a special search engine to solve complex problems related to loans and credit scores, which major banks such as HDFC and ICICI use for important operations.
Currently, as Executive Director at Posidex Technologies, he leads marketing, human resources, and global partnerships. Venkata Datta’s educational and professional achievements show his skills, making him a great match for Sindhu, a double Olympic medalist and one of India’s top athletes. As they prepare for their new life together, their partnership is set to inspire many.