Hollywood actor Zachary Levi, widely recognized for his role in the Shazam! franchise, recently made headlines by announcing that he and his girlfriend, Maggie Keating, are expecting their first child. The 44-year-old actor shared the joyful news on Instagram with an emotional post featuring an ultrasound image and a heartwarming photo of Keating hugging him during a beach outing.
While Levi’s fans celebrated the announcement, many were curious to know more about Maggie Keating, the woman who has captured the actor’s heart.
Who Is Maggie Keating
Maggie Keating is a multi-talented individual with a diverse background. She has worked as a Marketing and Community Outreach Coordinator at Moonflower Community Cooperative in Moab, Utah, and is known for her passion for environmental stewardship, health, and wellness.
A graduate of Ithaca College with a degree in Environmental Science and a minor in Outdoor Adventure Pursuits, Keating has dedicated much of her career to ecological restoration, wilderness monitoring, and community engagement.
Her love for nature and sustainability aligns with her adventurous spirit, as she has also completed a 30-day backpacking course with the National Outdoor Leadership School.
In addition to her professional accomplishments, Keating has dabbled in the entertainment industry. She appeared in music videos such as Drake Bell: Run Away and Drake Bell: Rewind in 2018 and was also featured on America’s Next Top Model. Despite her low profile compared to Levi’s Hollywood stardom, Keating’s grounded personality and shared journey of self-discovery have made her an integral part of Levi’s life.
Levi described Keating as a “wonderful woman” who entered his life during his personal transformation journey. In his Instagram post, he revealed that he began focusing on his physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health last year to prepare for fatherhood. He credited this shift for bringing Keating into his life, calling her an “angelic form” who shares his values and aspirations. Together, they are eagerly awaiting the arrival of their baby while keeping the baby’s gender a surprise until birth.
While Maggie Keating may not be as well-known as her partner, her contributions to environmental causes and her creative pursuits highlight her multifaceted personality.
As she steps into this exciting new chapter with Zachary Levi, fans are thrilled to see the couple embark on their parenting journey together. With their shared commitment to growth and love for each other, they appear ready to embrace this next phase of their lives with open hearts.